Contact me
Mailing address 郵址: #101-1001 West Broadway, Box 526, Vancouver, B.C., V6H 4E4
Texting or email is the best way to contact me.
Office Locations 辦事處:
2/F - 1892 W. Broadway, Vancouver
Office Hours: By Appointment Only
In person or virtual
Please note that Email and Texting is NOT CONFIDENTIAL and is for general inquiry only
In case of emergency, please call 911 or the Greater Vancouver 24-hours crisis line at: 604-872-3311.
如遇緊急事件, 請致電911或大溫地區24小時緊急熱線: 604-872-3311
中僑熱線上午10點至晚上10點。國語: 604-270-8222 粵語: 604-270-8233